
Hello! This blog ran primarily from 2012 - 2014, with a few oddball posts after that. Active development on this project has been wound down, but is archived here for posterity, and the sunk cost fallacy. Originally it was hosted on Wordpress, and in its archival it lives here on Github Pages.

That Game’s UX is a blog that celebrates user experience in gaming. It’s about taking a look at gaming from a user-centered design point of view. Where the user interface in a game succeeds, and where it might need some improvement. After all, gamers are users too…

That Game’s UX covers games of all shapes and sizes. Board games, mobile games, console games, it’s all on the list. Anything that is an interesting design example might make it on the site.

About the Author

That Game’s UX is written and administered by Mark DeHate. Learn more about me at, or check out my LinkedIn page.